Home » How Common Is Online Dating Scam?
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Unfortunately, it is very common. The world of online dating is filled with fake dating platforms and scammers who want to get your money and information. However, if you take some time and learn about a few tricks, you can have safe and enjoyable online dating experiences without getting scammed. Still, if you got scammed, it is essential to act quickly and help the administration of the site you are using to catch the scammers or prevent them from scamming other members.

What are your actions if you got scammed?

First off, you shouldn’t be angry as it won’t help you or anyone else. If you just got scammed, time is of the essence and you need to act quickly. Your first action should be contacting customer service. You need to tell everything and explain the situation correctly. One thing to consider, though. Contacting customer service should be done if you are sure that your site is legit. Otherwise, if you believe that the whole site is fraudulent, you wouldn’t achieve anything by contacting your scammers per se. To avoid using a fake site, you need to collect information about your site. You may find a lot of stories similar to yours, and if you do, it means that you won’t do anything with scammers since they own the platform.

Nevertheless, if your site is popular and reputable, telling your situation to customer service is essential. Maybe, they will help you restore your lost credits or support you in any way. Either way, you should be interested in taking scammers down so that other people can have a safe and enjoyable online dating experience.

How can customer services help you?

Customer services could ban the scammer account. They won’t be able to do anything else most of the time. If you have sent money directly to your date that scammed you, customer services won’t help you that much. They may file a complaint to the bank, but proving that a certain transaction was fraudulent is very difficult.

What to do to not get scammed?

There are a few things that you can do to make your online dating experience safe and enjoyable:

  • Always research your website. It is the most important step. You should look for sites that have an impeccable reputation. The more you know about your site, the better your chances of finding a real and legit site. Read articles, check out reviews, and try to find feedback from real users.
  • Don’t spend money right away. The majority of online dating platforms have paid options, and most of the time, they are communication-based. But you should never spend money on your first date using the site. Your first couple of days should be about learning the site you choose. Look for signs of fraud even if you think your site is legit. See what kind of messages girls send to you. If you see that some of them are similar or even identical, that can mean that the site is using chatbots, and you should never use a dating site with chatbots. Take your time and remember that you will be able to spend money at any time, so just avoid spending it right away.
  • Don’t send money to girls directly. Mail order bride services are created to help single people find each other. Girls are not looking for wealthy or successful men here. They are looking for loving relationships. So, if you see that your date wants money from you, she might be a scammer. She might not be, but most of the time, a woman who asks you for money is a scammer. Therefore, your dates shouldn’t ask you for money. If your date tells you a tear-jerking story, there is a high chance that she is a scammer.

To sum up

Online dating is not always safe. In order for your dating journey to be successful and so that you do not fall into the trap of scammers, you need to choose a reliable site and keep the tips above in mind. Dating with beautiful girls has never been so easy!

Juliana Keeling
Meet the soul of our expert advice on Brideschoice.net—Juliana Keeling, dating and psychology specialist and creative writer. In addition to her professional expertise in dating and marriage of 7+ years, she has personal experience with intercultural relationships and dating on a distance with her Italian husband.
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